Breast Milk and TSA Policies

Traveling with babies and children is a demanding endeavor. It requires patience and careful planning from parents or guardians. It also requires respect from the Transportation Security Administration.    

The fact is, food for babies is not easily replaced. It’s a problem when breast milk/formula/baby food is thrown out or when equipment is not handled hygienically.  A breast pump is important for a lactating parent when they’re in transit.

Currently, TSA guidelines define these as ‘medically necessary liquids’.

  • Formula

  • Breast milk

  • Drinks and foods for babies and toddlers.

    All of these are allowed (including  puree pouches) and can be included in your carry-on baggage. They can be in excess of 3.4 ounces. Please review the current guidelines to understand the details and the process. 

However, there have been reported situations when these items were confiscated. TSA needs to clarify and enforce the correct practices. A bill currently in Congress addresses this problem. It is the Bottles and Breastmilk Equipment Screening Act; a.ka. the BABES Act. It has been reintroduced by Katie Porter, representative from California.  

The bill would confirm  “guidance to minimize the risk for contamination of any breast milk, baby formula, purified deionized water for infants, and juice (as well as ice packs, freezer packs, frozen gel packs and other accessories required to cool breast milk, baby formula, and juice) that is subject to re-screening or otherwise subject to additional screening.”

The BABES Act is endorsed by

  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

  • Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs

  • March of Dimes

  • Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine.

The BABES Act has support from 18 co-sponsors, both Democrat and Republican. You can call or write to our Maine senators:

It seems a simple thing. Nonetheless, clarifying and enforcing these policies is necessary. It takes into consideration the safety of all for traveling. It also respects the efforts parents and guardians make to provide for their small children.


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