Join us for this FREE webinar to learn more about expected feeding patterns and troubleshooting common challenges in the first weeks.
This webinar is designed to help providers:
Identify expected feeding patterns and volume transfer between days 3 and week 2
Understand how to assess and trouble shoot problems in the first few weeks
Describe next steps in supporting these families
Speaker: Paula Norcott, CLC, IBCLC. Co-Owner of Maine Mother and Company, a perinatal resource center in Brunswick Maine.
Paula is a lactation consultant with over 23 years experience serving feeding parents. Paula got her start in this work as a peer counselor for WIC in Plymouth Massachusetts in 1999. She worked in a fast paced hospital setting for 5 plus years. She currently works in private practice, in the infant feeding tech world and consults for both the state as well as a well known pump company. Frustrated by how nipple pain is brushed off and how slow infant gain is blamed on feeding parents, Paula has made it her mission to help these families feel confident in their plan and their ability to feed their tiny humans with a mental health first approach.
When not helping other families, Paula can be found at home, with her husband and at least a few of her five children, likely drinking GOOD chai, knitting and obsessing about when the next Percy Jackson episode will be released.