We host events to support Maine’s new families in their journey through pregnancy, birth, and the first year+ of parenthood. We also host events to support and connect the various professionals in Maine who support families along that journey. Together, we are a community. Together we help one another reach parenting and infant feeding goals.
Coalition Meetings
The Maine State Breastfeeding Coalition hosts virtual meetings every month.
The first Thursday of every even month we present an educational webinar focused on infant parenting or a feeding topic.
The first Thursday of odd months we gather together and “Connect the Dots” by sharing information about local, state and national work related to breast/chestfeeding.
Check out our calendar of meetings and events below.
Please contact us for the Zoom meeting login information, and
join our mailing list to receive regular meeting updates and more!
All Upcoming Meetings & Events

MSBC Educational Webinar: Pasteurized Donor Human Milk in Maine
Join us for this FREE webinar to learn more about pasteurized donor human milk in Maine.
Outline safety standards in donor milk banking.
List reasons why an infant might be offered supplementation with Pasteurized Donor Human Milk (PDHM) in hospital or at home.
Explain how families can access donor milk in hospital and at home.
Recall where to go to find out more about MaineCare and private insurance coverage for donor human milk in the state.
Kylia Garver is Director of Hospital Relations and Community Education at Mothers' Milk Bank Northeast. She earned her Master of Public Health Degree at Boston University with a concentration in Maternal Child Health. In her role at the milk bank, Kylia builds partnerships with a wide range of medical personnel, conducts educational trainings and supports families and clinical staff who have questions about donor milk. Kylia has three children of her own, now well beyond their breastfeeding years, but she continues to be passionate about supporting families particularly during postpartum.

Patchwork of Parenthood Storytelling Event
Join us for our storytelling event: Patchwork of Parenthood! Hear from 6 different speakers about their parenting journeys.

The Patchwork of Parenthood: An evening of stories
We've been waiting almost 3 years to hold our next annual storytelling event and now that time has come! Six people will recite on stage their stories of new parenthood, including pregnancy, birth, breast/chestfeeding, and beyond.

World Breastfeeding Week
Every year we celebrate National Breastfeeding Month in August, as well as all of the celebratory/recognition weeks within: World Breastfeeding Week, Indigenous Milk Medicine Week, Asian American and Native Hawaiian Islander Breastfeeding Week, and Black Breastfeeding Week.