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MSBC Connecting the Dots Meeting (March ‘25)

The MSBC Connecting the Dots meetings are a chance for people who work with new families to come together and share what's going on in their worlds and learn from each other.

Topics we often discuss are:

  • What is happening legislatively that could impact our work?

  • What else is going on in Maine that you’d like to share – one or two updates that the group can help you or others achieve, solve, or think about?

  • What new research ideas are emerging?

  • What challenges are you having in your work that colleagues could help you with?

Feedback from participants includes comments like:

I always walk away feeling like a better human after attending these meetings!”

“I learned a lot about legislation and am grateful for the information.”

“I appreciate the opportunity to have open dialogue about new guidelines.”

Sign up for our newsletter or contact us for the Zoom meeting info.

February 6

Understanding, Identifying, and Healing Traumatic Experiences in Birth and Breastfeeding - A Compassionate Approach for Lactation Professionals

April 3

Changing from Exclusive Pumping to Direct Breastfeeding