In this session, participants will learn:
How to define exclusive pumping and its indications.
The value of changing to direct breastfeeding for both mom and baby.
Strategies to achieve the successful shift from pumping to direct breastfeeding.
Speaker: Dr. Soliman – Pediatrician, Neonatology Consultant, and IBCLC
Dr. Soliman is a pediatrician, neonatology consultant, clinical nutrition physician, and IBCLC with over 20 years of experience. She serves on the board of the Monetary Investment for Lactation Consultant Certification (MILCC) and is an Associate Alumni of Harvard Medical School. A dedicated educator, she trains healthcare professionals globally and collaborates with UNICEF, WHO, and Al-Azhar University on breastfeeding initiatives.
Recognized with multiple IBCLC & ILCA awards, Dr. Soliman has been a subject matter expert for the IBCLC Practice Analysis Task Force and a fellow of ILCA. Her book, The Ultimate Breastfeeding Study Guide (2021), is a key resource in lactation medicine. A sought-after speaker, she presents at international conferences and advocates for equitable lactation care worldwide.
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